In Cedar Class we provide an engaging and caring learning environment for our children. We make full use of our beautiful school site and be it in the classroom, in the forest, on the field or in the pool, you can be sure that we are having fun with our learning!
Our classroom is open and airy with plenty of space and natural light. Our reading corner is a comfortable space for independent learning while our spacious desk plan provides a fantastic collaborative learning environment. In Cedar Class we are confident, respectful, happy learners
Home learning information is given in the weekly newsletter. Our focus is on embedding number facts, such as times tables (often using the TT Rockstars system).
We encourage all children to read daily at home (even through the holidays), building up their reading stamina, widening their experience of quality texts and hopefully developing a lifelong love of reading. We expect every child to have a current reading book and their Reading Record Book in school every day.
Usually, all children need their PE kits in school every day (especially if they have been to an after school club, festival or competition the day before). All clothing should be named!
Due to Coronavirus we ask that children come in wearing their PE kit on their allocated PE days.