"Nurturing brilliance to catch our dreams"

Guiding Passion

The curriculum is the driver of

Our children will blossom through experiencing a knowledge-rich curriculum which is both broad and balanced and fosters a love of learning, enabling all children to make connections. Our new more enquiry based knowledge curriculum is being developed inline with our wider Trust partnerships and seeks to offer increased opportunity and aspiration. 

We have chosen to follow the National Curriculum and the breadth of our curriculum ensures that there are no limits to learning and our pupils are encouraged to embrace every learning opportunity that is presented to them. Alongside this, we have developed disciplinary knowledge (what it means to be a geographer) and substantive knowledge (what we want children to retain) in different curriculum areas, supported by our strong teaching pedagogy.

We are working hard toward providing a strong character curriculum, using the Trust charter as a blueprint, to offer beyond the National Curriculum, with an excellent music offer, RHE curriculum, forest school and a wide range of clubs. We want pupils to achieve as highly as they can, from whatever starting point, in whatever experiences we deliver.

Our curriculum is the beating heart of our academies and is rooted in John 10:10

"I came that they might have life and live it to the full."

Our children will flourish through experiencing a knowledge-rich curriculum which is both broad and balanced and fosters a love of learning, enabling all children to make connections and be well prepared for the next stage of their education

Our School Curriculum

Dunsford Community Academy’s curriculum intent is intrinsically linked to our vision statement ‘To Aspire, Be Brave and Thoughtful.’ It has been carefully organised so that our pupils gain the necessary knowledge to take them into the next stages of their education and beyond. Our curriculum is ambitious and we want our pupils to imagine what is possible for them to achieve and to develop confidence to fulfil their hopes and aspirations. Our ambition is to give the children the purpose and desire to create change in our local communities and the wider world beyond. 


Through experiencing a knowledge-rich curriculum, which is both broad and balanced, we aim for our children to flourish whilst fostering a love of learning and to make connections to enable them to be the best that they can be.


The content of the curriculum enables all children to meet new and engaging concepts across a range of subjects in a sequential way; learning is layered reiteratively so that prior learning is built upon.

Dunsford Community Academy is in a rural area on the edge of Dartmoor National Park. An important part of our curriculum is to recognise the distinctive nature of the community that we serve whilst building on the history and geography of our locality. Alongside this, we also ensure that our curriculum enables our pupils to enhance their understanding of what it means to be a citizen in modern Britain, what it means to explore communities beyond their local community and what it means to develop their cultural capital. It is about giving them opportunities and life choices about their future and their impact as they progress through their school years and beyond.