In the event of a school closure for any reason, we will provide your child with a remote learning package, so that their education is not too disrupted. Although being off school is exciting we recognise that some people need to work and keeping some structure to the day can be supportive

In the event of a school closure,  we will be using Seesaw as a secure platform to set home learning daily for children in Year 1 to 6.  The app can be accessed on any device that has internet access including laptops, desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets.  For children in EYFS communication between teacher and home will take place through Seesaw too. This platform will deliver regular work from across the curriculum, to support you in delivering a broad and balanced home education to your children.

Our remote plan is in place ready in case of a closure.

Remote Learning Plan Guide for Parents

  • TT Rockstars
  • Read Write Inc videos
  • Numbersense