In Class 3, the Year 4, 5 and 6 children continue to progress through the primary years, starting to look ahead towards secondary school.
The three year groups promote a family atmosphere: the younger children learn from the older ones, who thrive on the responsibility of leading the school. Our academic work is balanced with a broad range of activities such as forest school, music and sport. The Victorian desks represent an ethos of good old-fashioned hard work, which is balanced by the modern computer suite and interactive white board.
Annual residentials give the children opportunities to stretch their wings beyond the confines of our rural village school.
School is open from 8:55am. Children arriving earlier than this wait in the playground, chatting to their friends.
We encourage children to come in to school independently, putting all lunchboxes on the trolley and bringing their reading books and reading record books to their desks. Thank you.
The children have their own desks in the classroom, to store some of their belongings in (though they move around the room to sit at different tables, depending on the activities taking place). They are welcome to bring in a pencil case each (containing coloured pencils, felt tips, HB pencils and a rubber or sharpener etc) to keep in their desks. Gel pens, biros and pairs of compasses are discouraged.
All children to write in pen. We provide these, but many children prefer to use their own.
All tasks are explained to the children and will follow any support work done in the classroom (although in Year 6 the work set will often be revising topics not currently being taught). If your child isn’t sure what to do please come and talk to one of the Class 3 team. It is usually best to try to complete the homework promptly, while the learning is still fresh in your child’s mind. Other informal homework tasks, such as ‘finding out’ or bringing something in from home, will be set occasionally. The children will be shown where to place their homework (into labelled trays in the classroom). We welcome homework handed in early.
NB. Homework is set on a Friday and should be handed in on (or before) the following Wednesday.
We strongly encourage all children to read daily at home (even through the holidays), building up their reading stamina and speed, widening their experience of quality texts and hopefully developing a lifelong love of reading. We expect every child to have a current reading book and their Reading Record Book in school every day. We hope that each child will be motivated by the Accelerated Reader scheme and will want to take frequent quizzes.
Children need their PE kits in school every day (especially if they have been to an after school club, festival or competition the day before). PE kit for the winter months should include a pair of football boots for every child, as we enjoy sessions on the field even when it is muddy and slippery. Please name every item of clothing! Thank you.